Water is a health promoting good
In addition to being essential to life, water brings great benefits to one’s health and well-being. We know that its consumption is indispensable for good hydration and a healthy lifestyle. This concern is one of the core pillars of the Foundation, which is focused on promoting research and sharing knowledge.
Prize – Água é Vida (Water means life)
Water is a vital element. However, most Portuguese do not drink enough of it.
It is estimated that 20% of the Portuguese do not willingly drink water and that daily consumption is below the two liters recommended by the European Food Safety Authority.
In a partnership with Saber Viver magazine and to change this situation, the Luso Foundation created the Água é Vida Prize challenging readers to present ideas that promote good hydration habits. According to the jury’s decision, the best idea will not only become part of the Luso brand’s marketing plan but the winner will also receive a money prize.

Conferences and Awareness-Raising Actions
Benefits of Natural Mineral Water and the Importance of Water in Our Life
The Luso Foundation plays an active role in raising awareness to the importance of mineral water and its benefits, promoting participation in conferences and awareness-raising actions in the health sector. Listed below are a few examples:
- Schools from various parts of the Country, from Primary School to Secondary Education.
- Escola de Hotelaria de Coimbra (explanatory approach for a young audience).
- Universidade de Coimbra.
- City councils.

World Water Day
The Luso Foundation celebrates this day and raises the community’s awareness to the importance of water, both for its drinking benefits and for the protection of this natural mineral resource. Knowing more about water and what surrounds it, is essential to understanding the value of this resource. For example, did you know that trees play a very important role in soil retention and consequently in refilling aquifers as well as avoiding rainwater from being wasted?

World Food Day
It is important to know the advantages of water in our daily lives, mainly because some of them are not commonly known.
We asked children and older people: how important is water in our daily diet? Why is your body’s pH important? To mark this day, answers to these and other questions, like a broader knowledge of the food wheel, are given at several annual conferences promoted by the Luso Foundation.

Health and Thermalism
Thermalism is a treatment that uses mineral waters and their health-benefitting properties. Over the years, the Luso Foundation has contributed to the improved and widespread knowledge of thermal treatments, through very successful initiatives. For example, it hosted conferences focused on the importance of Health and Thermalism, as well as a large exhibition at the Casino, which was visited by over 36 000.